Prairie Prims Laura's Family Tree

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Augusta Stryker

Augusta was the daughter of Amelia Johnson Stryker. She was a first cousin to my grandmother, Laura Ely Callery.

Vera Avis Henry Morrison

Vera was the daughter of Clara Evans and Daniel Henry. She married Floyd Morrison. Vera was first cousin to my dad, Ivan Evans.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Evans family

My Evans family has always been a bit of a mystery. I have been working on my grandpa Lyles' family forever! This week I was contacted by a cousin in Oregon that was in the Clara I Evans line. I was so happy! Karen (cousin) sent me an obit and pictures of her grandmother Vera Avis Morrison, a daughter of Clara Evans and Daniel Henry. I am so grateful for her help and look forward to finding more information about my family.

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I am a very busy grandma and mom to a passel of kids! I love crafts and enjoy sharing with others. I am involved in several groups that have shared interests. I have been involved with lots of home make-overs and enjoy decorating for myself and friends.