For years I have been researching my Callery family line. It has been a mystery for so long. My grandfather had 8 sisters of whom I knew nothing. Recently I have found some very surprising information.
My great aunt Josephine was in a convent and left after her sister sewed money into the hem of a skirt and sent it to her! Their parents were quite unhappy and blamed Josephine by not having anything else to do with her. Source was her granddaughter with whom I had a convo.
In 1895, my great aunt Julia Callery Toohey, was a young married woman living in Duncombe Iowa. As she set about her daily chores she was overwhelmed by a fire and was burned so badly she died from her injuries, 3 Jan 1895. How sad to think she was alone when this happened. Source Webster County Bio of James Toohey.
I am still searching for information but just having some insights to the lives of my family helps me with my daily life.